More about me

More about me

Dave MerinDave Merin

I live in the Bay Area with my family, which provides us with ample opportunity to get outside, whether hiking in the woods next to our house or heading up to the mountains to ski. I also love to travel and from time to time get deeply into craft beverages (e.g., coffee, mezcal, wine).

Books I've enjoyedBooks I've enjoyed

What I've worked on:

For the past couple of years, I've been leading the Corp Dev team at ConsenSys after helping make it transition from an Ethereum ecosystem building incubator to an integrated blockchain software business. I initially got involved with ConsenSys about 7 years ago when it agreed to fund my project Coven, an open venture investing platform that used crypto economic incentives to facilitate the collaborative sourcing, diligencing, and approval of early stage venture capital investments, which operated in a closed beta among the ConsenSys Mesh network from 2018-2020. At the lowest points of the 2018 - 19 bear market, it was among the most heavily used decentralized applications despite being in a closed beta and the investments made through it generated >2x cash-on cash returns in aggregate in less than 3 years, driven by investments in companies like Bison Trails, Relay Payments, and Axie Infinity, with a TVPI of ~5x at the time we liquidated the portfolio in 2021. Unfortunately, we had to wind it down due to the deeply unstable cost of capital caused by fluctuations in the crypto currency market. On the side, I still contribute to other DAOs like Cabin and Hydra.

I started my career in real estate private equity working in acquisitions at NALS, then made a brief foray into politics - working in Senate leadership committees - with an aim to helping the country recover from the financial crisis, before transitioning to McKinsey where I worked as a management consultant for a number of years and gained exposure to the explosive growth of web2 technology businesses. I left there to work in technology full time, helping Honest Buildings successfully pivot from an internet marketplace business to a SaaS business before its ultimate acquisition by Procore, during which time I was first exposed to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, leading me to Coven and ConsenSys.

How to contact me:

While I do try to keep LinkedIn and AngelList reasonably up to date, please don't contact me there.